2022 Year End Review and 2023 Partnership Opportunity

Western Harvest Ministries 2022 Year End Review

To our blessed partners and friends of Western Harvest Ministries:

We are always very excited to come to you each year during this time of wonderful reflection of just how the Lord has faithfully led our ministry efforts throughout 2022. As you might imagine, this past year was certainly like the previous two years, when our normal way of life and doing things was dramatically changed based on the new direction that our world was being forced to take.

One thing is for sure, as we examine the new way of doing business in the manner that the world and current culture are expecting us to do, we can be totally confident that our Father’s promises are by far, more powerful as we choose to allow them highest priority in every part of our personal lives and ministry.

Over the years as we have faithfully committed to fulfilling the mission that the Lord have given to us; we have learned so much in so many areas. I believe that it is by his divine oversight that he desires to grow our character and to strengthen our resolve as we choose his promises and principles rather than the quicker and easier, more convenient ways of the world. I know that one of his promises for us this year has been:

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart”. Galatians 6:9

I’ve no doubt that this promise is one you and your family can hang your hats on as well. The enemy is always trying to get us to a place where we are totally overwhelmed and at the point of exhaustion and that’s where he introduces his lies to God’s saints. If we don’t counter or resist that kind of lie and deception it will take root and if not addressed can knock us off the course of our true calling.

As a ministry there are so many things nowadays that are very much needed to impact our world for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It all starts with a deep and sincere desire to recognize that we are his hands, feet and voice to this world. We must be 100% committed to sharing his message to all that we encounter. His message is one of faith, hope and unconditional love to all that are lost and hurting.

This year has been an incredible year to watch how the Lord has enlarged our territory and re-established a few of our platforms for his glory. He also has provided all of you that are reading this report, as faithful partners that have been key in riding with us on this journey. Our journey may sometimes look unique in nature, but it has never changed from the very beginning.

Our key mission is to share the gospel and to make disciples who will then go on and impact many lives as they discover the true blessings of following the Biblical blueprint of advancing the Lord’s Kingdom. Many of you know that we do focus on the western lifestyle and community simply because that’s where the Lord originally found me and my family when he called us to follow him. He has so graciously blessed our resources in other industries such as both media and my professional sports career. Each of those have been instrumental in helping us to get his message out to a broader base.

I can surely say that serving the Lord is an amazing adventure and that no matter what challenges the enemy tries to use against us, we have seen firsthand the rewards of lives being changed and families being restored as a direct result of proclaiming God’s powerful word and simple steps of salvation to all those that we were able to encounter through our ministry outreaches in 2022.

In closing, we would like to thank you for sending us out and for covering us in faithful prayers as we sought to evangelize our world and to be a part of this great end-times harvest of souls. We also would like to ask you to consider continuing your financial support in 2023 as we continue to ride on course and allow the Lord to guide us in all our ways.

Make your gift before January 1 to receive a tax deduction for 2022
Western Harvest Ministries is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States. Donations to Western Harvest Ministries are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law and are used to further our mission.

Western Harvest Ministries’ tax identification number is 45-0492675.

Other ways to partner with Western Harvest Ministries

Mailing Address:
Western Harvest Ministries
6577 Old Springtown Road
Weatherford, TX 76085

Mission Statement:

Western Harvest Ministries, Inc.

“Is an organization dedicated to giving young people the tools needed to help them achieve their dreams for tomorrow. The ministry’s vision is to spread the Gospel of Jesus through the operation of camps as well as presentations conducted in schools, churches and other public forums as a method of teaching young people good character traits, building their self-esteem, teaching them the Word of God and providing a platform to motivate them in the building of skills training.”

Here are just a few highlights from the 2022Outreach Events and Ministry Media Opportunities, see a list of many of the events that we either produced or were asked to be a part of in 2022:

National Articles and papers exposure

1) The official magazine of the PBR Humps and Horns. Pages 19-21


2) Front page Reno Gazette (about Scott being inducted into the Bull Riding Hall of Fame in our hometown of Fort Worth, Texas.)


3) National Rodeo Kids Pod Cast and Zoom Bible study teachings.


National TV interviews:

The Cowboy Channel

“Special Cowboy Moments” TV interview

“Western Sports Round Up” TV interview


Military Rodeo Association Hall of Fame Inductions

2022 HOF Ceremony Inductee Interviews

Scott’s Interview Starts @ 52:15

2022 Hall of Fame Opening Prayer and Induction Video


Appearances and Ministry Participation:

” Aim for I Am” city Outreach Ord, Nebraska

Oklahoma City National Cowboy Hall of Fame.

Fourth of July Celebration at Capernaum Village, Peaster , Texas.

“International Mini Bull World Finals” Mesquite, Texas.

PRCA “Bulls Night Out” FCA Cowboy Chapter Chaplin work Weatherford Texas.

Inducted into the “Bull Riding Hall of Fame” in May, Fort Worth, Texas stockyards.


Participated with our Western Harvest Ministries (WHM) team in the Weatherford Pro Rodeo parade and Cattle Drive.

2 of our horseback team members participated in a local Youth Horse Clinic.

Participated once again with some of our family and WHM team in the Annual Quintana Family branding.

Invited to and attended the North Little Rock, Arkansas National Prayer Breakfast meeting.

Scott and Kolten went to New Mexico to help family and had a snow skiing trip while there.

Attended the movie night outreach screening and endorsement of Peace River with a group of friends and WHM supporters.

Attended the Annual Sky Ranch “Cowboys and Cowboys Gala” as a Celebrity Professional Cowboy guest.

Spoke at Round Point Cowboy Church Youth Bull Riding. (also helped to conduct the baptisms.)

Participated in the Vaqueros Cristianos Cowboy Church Video mini-series filmed at The Fort Worth Stockyards.


Interview and photo shoot for WHM being featured in the “Weatherford Now” Magazine in January of 2023.

Speaker at High Point Cowboy Church in West, Texas.

Speaker at a Baltimore, Maryland Men’s Conference.

Spoke to US wrestling Team members and coaches.

Traveled to Fort Benning, Georgia on two occasions both of our oldest Son’s military graduations.

Father-in-law, Tim Harper’s passing.

Dear friend, Judy Ford’s passing.

Conducted Judy Ford’s funeral service in San Marcus Texas.

Participated in local team roping practices.

Western Harvest Media assisted in the publishing of the late Judy Ford’s Book on Amazon. https://a.co/d/hwkwKgL

Participated with our youngest son in the national ministry, “Father/Son Bowl.”

WNFR (Wrangler National Finals Rodeo) trip

Invocation at “The Wrangler World of Rodeo Banquet.”

“Field of Faith” FCA speaker at a Brock, Texas High School community outreach.

Spoke to Weatherford, Texas Christian High School Varsity Football Team’s state playoffs.

The Impact

“Good Morning Scott. I enjoyed listening to your Bible Study on Love in 1 John Chapter 4 last night. I often listen to your Bible Studies and preaching. I originally was a Cowboy/Rancher up in Montana, then got into Aviation which has taken me all over the world. My wife and I currently reside in Sierra Vista, AZ. I am also a Lutheran Minister, and pastor a tiny congregation between Bisbee & Noco, AZ. God’s Peace Be With You This Day, Brother!”

“Thank you for those times that you did the the Sunday Church services at the North Texas High School Rodeo Association. It really made a difference for those high school students.”

Mia Gonzalez

“Your teaching have inspired my Faith to grow. Not knowing or understanding the Word of God can be frustrating but your teaching give me understanding. I thank you for the the messages and scripture. God Bless You and your family For the dedication to the Lord”.

Carrie McCargar

“Very proud of my longtime friend Scott on his Bull Riding Hall Of Fame induction this week. Scott earned it and it’s well deserved. Those of us that knew him as kids in junior and high school rodeos are not surprised at his achievements. God given talent and heart. Can’t wait to see the movie Scott Mendes. Congrats again, enjoy your special weekend and God bless”.

Riding on Course weekly bible study message put out on Facebook live every Sunday morning at 11am CST.
Past Teachings and Videos

Took in an “in need” resident and temporarily housed him.

Worked on our local Western Harvest Ministries fellowship center to host upcoming meetings.

Conducted both local and remote ministry counseling.

God’s plan for his disciple’s workbook promotions

Handed out over 600 copies of “The Life of Christ” leather booklets.

 National Speaking Partners – Book Scott Mendes



2023 schedule 1st Quarter

2 Men’s Conferences

1 church service

Continued FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Cowboy Chapter events.

I’ve been asked to host our own faith based tv series on a new paid per view network on The Cowboy Channel. This is currently in the works.

Also in development-

A feature film of my life story.

A large community gathering in our local fellowship center

Click Here to Donate 

for your 2022 year end donation
Western Harvest Ministries is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States. Donations to Western Harvest Ministries are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law and are used to further our mission.

Western Harvest Ministries’ tax identification number is 45-0492675.