A Special Message from Scott Mendes:
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners of Western Harvest Ministries,
As we draw near to the end of the 2024 year, I wanted to reach out to all of you with a special year in review update. Many of you have been longtime supporters of Western Harvest Ministries and some of you may have just recently been introduced to our ministry and some of its various outreaches. Either way, we feel it’s very important that you all stand in agreement with our ministry’s mission in that it is that mission that has passionately driven us from our very earliest beginnings.
Our mission is both simple and clear in that we try to use every means possible to reach the entire western world with the Good News of the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. He has commissioned all ministries to be faithful in what they are doing. We have for many years taken this great commission and done exactly as the Lord has asked and we have done so with all our heart. We also do so with a mindset of another timeless promise: That one being that we will not ever give up in trying to be faithful to the end.
As we all can certainly agree, the signs of the times that we are all living in are both amazing and downright prophetic. In the past year alone there has been so much evil and deception released upon our nation, all with an undermining spirt of chaos, division, and literal death from our advisory, Satan himself. This sprit has been allowed to operate in many of our lives for far too long, sustaining inside institutions such as education, family, religion, government, economy, entertainment and the list goes on and on.
I guess we just made a case for what some would say is now our current culture. The sad news is that many of you reading this, just like me and my family, should remember that not too long ago the Lord’s true church was given free rein to operate in her divine authority and thus the church would shape our culture with its influence in a Biblical direction rather than what we just stated above. I’m sure that when we see a twisting and perversion of what God has designed and set forth for his world and children to operate in, it must hurt him deeply and it should hurt all his children as we have received his Saving Grace and True Redemption.
The 2024 year has also been one of exposure within the Lord’s house and we have watched numerous ministers and their ministries and even their media networks come tumbling down because of their false beliefs in thinking that their lust and greed for power and control over God’s people will go unjudged. I’m here to tell you it will not, and that is according to God’s Word.
And so here is a question for all of us: Who will seek to minister to all of those that have been hurt by, not only the world’s counterfeit systems, but also the church systems that have failed to “ride on course” with God’s great commission by choosing to compromise the truth of God’s Word with the many false teachings which are now currently being mixed with today’s cultural entertainment. And if that is not damaging enough, these “leaders” seal their messages by partnering with some of the most powerful technologies and social media platforms currently known to man.
This is where we believe that Western Harvest Ministries is called to make a lasting difference in the world today. We desire not only to see the hurt and lost saved, but that they will also become discipled and then sent out into their own ministries as well. I want to interject at this point to say that just because we can see and pinpoint some of the critical problems facing our world doesn’t mean that we in any way, might be able to brag or self-proclaim as to having all the answers or a “quick fix”. One thing is certain and that is this: When we seek the Lord with a pure heart and we do so in his love, in an honest effort to serve Him and Him alone, He will then certainly take the reins and present himself to all that have received Him. He will then begin to ride with them on their journey in seeking the truth and they will be set free. That is the true mission of Western Harvest Ministries.
I would also like to share briefly how the Lord has been shaping and disciplining me and my family over the years as the ministry has grown. Most all of you know or have heard my testimony and know that I’m not a highly educated man nor do I claim to have any special talents or gifts that would qualify me the rights to be selected to run any worldwide ministry.
I will confess that I have always sensed my Heavenly Father’s hand on my life with the presence of His Holy Spirit desiring to lead me, and I’m 100% sure that apart from Him I can do nothing. That includes the tremendous responsibilities of being a husband and a father of many years and even the blessings and responsibilities that came with being a World Champion Bull Rider back in the day. The greatest blessing the championship has come with has been being allowed to speak to others as a Christian role model. I’ve always used that God given platform as a weapon against the enemy by not only sharing a message about how I “Conquer the Beast”, but also by teaching others how to identify the beasts in their own lives and how they too can learn how to conquer those beasts in their own lives as well.
Over the years it seems that although seasons of ministry may change, the message and the mission have not. I will say that some of the outreaches and the delivery methods we have utilized have had to certainly make some changes, otherwise we would be left in the dust in keeping up with so many new opportunities in sharing the gospel around the world.
We have learned that when the Lord closes a door after decrement, with faith filled prayer, he will lead you through another one and we have been recipients of this many times over. We truly believe that our malleability always serves to lead us to his Divine protection and guidance and this is ultimately for His Glory.
Having said all of that I would like to share with you some of the new ways in which the Lord has graciously provided us with the opportunities to serve him by sharing his message with several new partnering organizations and also some new up and coming media platforms in the new year of 2025.
National Speaking Engagements:
-Restore the Republic Rally / Campaign
-Connection Point Church – “Conquering the Beast Men’s Conference “(300 men in attendance in Jackson, Missouri)
-Grace Christian Academy
-Field of Faith, Keynote Speaker for 250+youth and their families.
-National Intercollegiate College Rodeo Teams
-Wise Cowboy Church
-Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Interviews
-PBR World Finals Wrangler Suite Invite
-National Television Airtime on the Cowgirl Channel
– iHeart National Radio Interview
-Ride of Faith Documentary
-Freedom Music Video -Wrangler Production -Danny Griego
-Riding On Course Weekly Bible Study Messages – Live on Facebook.
Celebrity Charity Events:
-Cowboys helping Cowboys Annual Fundraising Banquet
-Sky Ranch Youth Scholarship banquet
-Bull Riding Hall of Fame Inductions
-The American Rodeo Group Outreach
-World Youth Bull Riding Finals
-Pro Rodeo Outreach
-World Series Team Roping Event
-USTRC Team Roping Event
-Ranch Rodeo Outreach
-Private Photo Shoot with Dallas Artist
-Private Bull Riding Lessons
-Freedom Horse Ranch-Military/first responders Equine Therapy Clinic
-Annual branding’s with Local Raches
2025 Coming Developments:
-Lonesome Road Radio Station – 1 hour time slot for weekly Bible study.
-Partnership and Chaplaincy work with Freedom Horse Ranch.
-Conquering The Beast Feature Film Based on the Scott Mendes Life and Career.
-Navajo Nation Radio Outreach -Weekly Bible studies aired on the Navajo Nation radio network.
Continued Developments:
-Building our Ministry APP
-Western Harvest Fellowship Center Youth/Family Outreach events.
-Discipleship classes using “God’s Plan for His Disciples” workbook
-Distribution of the “Life of Christ” Booklets
-Teaching products development
-Weekly Bible study and discipleship classes
-Growing our YouTube Channel into our own podcasts.
In closing, please know that we are so very grateful for your faithful prayers and support. We take your trust in us with your financial resources VERY seriously and we know that you do this in a sincere desire to aid us in reaching even more youth and their families and that our shared desire is truly from the Lord. He promises to ride with us as we learn to trust him and to stay focused on meeting the needs of others so that through all our partnerships, he may be honored and glorified in the advancement of His Kingdom here on earth. Please read on to see just a few of those platforms and opportunities that we attended to in 2024 and see just how your faithful support and partnership enabled us to make a lasting impact for the gospel.
Ways You Can Make Your Donations
Western Harvest Ministries is a registered US non-profit 501c(3) organization EIN # 45-0492675
Online Donation— You can make a donation online, using a secure server at:
Please click this link to make a donation:
By Telephone — To make a credit card donation, please call 817-995-9087
By Mail — To donate by check or money order, please write:
Western Harvest Ministries
6577 Old Springtown Road
Weatherford, Texas 76085
Western Harvest Ministries leaves you with a verse on what your partnership means to us.
Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for Christians everywhere, I have never stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. Ephesians 1…15-17 (New Living Translation) Together, we’ll make a difference.
What We Do
Western Harvest Ministries, Inc. is an organization dedicated to giving young people the tools needed to help them achieve their dreams for tomorrow. The ministry’s vision is to spread the Gospel of Jesus through the operation of:
• Scott’s Professional Bull Riding career
• Conquering the Beast Bull Riding Training Camps
• Christian Rodeo Programs
• Guest speaker at churches throughout the United States
• All types of media opportunities
• Partner newsletters
• Teaching products
These things are all designed to build character traits, self-esteem, and to give a foundation in the Word of God.
As we join together in partnership, we will share in each other’s gifts and blessings—and
together, we can make a bigger impact in the world because of it. Alone, we can do
some good…but together, we can truly advance his kingdom!
Testimonials of Our Ministry’s Impact
I’m blessed to know you & God put your ministry on my phone when I needed it! God bless you and your family! -Diane S.
Thank you Scott for being a great influence in my Grandson’s life.. we set and watched your movie it was awesome.. But when the grandparents started praying over you.. My Grandson Dawson looked at me and his Grandpa and said that’s her right there praying.. what a compliment… To be referred as a praying grandmother…. My husband And Son Scott was there with Grandson Dawson.. Thank you for your witness and testimony to all that meets you… By the way one of your Partners in Christ Ryan Friese … I just saw I am his his adopted Mother at Rodeos … we gave him the message to touch base with you… Thank you again for sharing your testimony at CPC to all the Men and young Men at our church.. I hope I get to shake your hand one day and thank you my brother in Christ for being such a walking living testimony for our Savior! Blessings, Your Sister in Christ. – Nancy L.
My pastor is Scott Mendes, former world bull rider champion. He’s known for never accepting an alcohol contract in his career. – Ryan A.
Scott, we just received our package in the mail. Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts!! We can’t wait to read & watch these with our family! Have a good evening! – Casey F.
Scott Mendes as a Guest on Russ on The Radio on iHeart Radio
Social Media Links
To Review all of the Riding On Course Weekly Bible Study messages please click our YouTube channel link below:
Riding On Course Bible App
Contact Info
Western Harvest Ministries
6577 Old Springtown Road
Weatherford, TX 76085
Email: scottalanmendes@gmail.com
Web: http://www.westernharvestministries.com
Western Harvest Ministries is a registered US non-profit 501c(3) organization EIN # 45-0492675
Western Harvest Ministries is an organization dedicated to giving young people the tools needed to help them achieve their dreams for tomorrow. The ministry’s vision is to spread the Gospel of Jesus through the operation of:
• Scott’s Professional Bull Riding career
• Rodeo Chaplaincy work through FCA Cowboy Chapter
• Conquering the Beast Bull Riding Training Camps
• Christian Rodeo Programs
• National Speaking Engagements
• All types of media opportunities
• Teaching products
These things are all designed to build character traits, self-esteem, and to give a foundation in the Word of God.
Please click this link to make a donation: