

World Champion Bull Rider
Scott Mendes & Family

I count it an honor for you to take a moment to look over this insightful web site. As you might imagine it was without a doubt an awesome blessing when the Lord allowed me to fulfill my childhood dreams of becoming a world champion bull rider. However, today my greatest blessing of all comes in the form of my family and knowing that they to believe in the vision of Western Harvest Ministries. It truly amazes me that as I look back over my life and my sports career, how much the lord was preparing me for a big plan.

You see I too have walked where many of these young men are desiring at any cost to walk. With some, it is from the pain a dysfunctional upbringing. With others, it will be the uncompromising stand that will need to be taken in the professional arena in order to avoid the many vicious pitfalls that will be lurking around them as they seek for fame without character. Together we can make a difference by sharing God’s love and equipping them with the truth. But in order to build a relationship with them, we must establish a place of refuge for them. This is why we have prepared this unique look at our ministry and it’s outreaches.

Western Harvest Ministries, Inc.whm logo resized

Is an organization dedicated to giving young people the tools needed to help them achieve their dreams for tomorrow. The ministry’s vision is to spread the Gospel of Jesus through the operation of camps as well as presentations conducted in schools, churches and other public forums as a method of teaching young people good character traits, building their self esteem, teaching them the Word of God and providing a platform to motivate them in the building of skills training.

Our vision is to Spur On and encourage today’s youth with the unconditional love of God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Western Harvest Ministries is incorporated in the state of Texas and is recognized with the IRS as a nonprofit 501c3 organization which is supported by contributions from its partners, churches and other nonprofit organizations.

Western Harvest Ministries Inc. is an organization dedicated to giving young people the tools needed to help them achieve their dreams for tomorrow. The ministry’s vision is to spread the Gospel of Jesus through the operation of:

  • Scott’s Professional Bull Riding career
  • Conquering the Beast Bull Riding Training Camps
  • Christian Rodeo Programs
  • Guest speaker at churches throughout the United States
  • All types of media opportunities
  • Partner newsletters
  • Teaching products

These things are all designed to build character traits, self esteem, and to give a foundation in the Word of God.

We look forward to the opportunity to co-labor along side you as we fill the kingdom of God together.

Thank you partners and friends. Your faithful support helps us reach many young people in a unique way where they are with the love of God and equip them with the resources to live a victorious life.

Scott Mendes

Founder and Executive Director

Western Harvest Ministries, Inc.

“Have I not given you your orders? Take heart and be strong; have no fear and do not be troubled; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” Jos 1:9