2023 Year In Review and 2024 Partnership Opportunity




Western Harvest Ministries
“Impacting Lives with God’s Love & Extreme Sports”
Western Harvest Ministries and its staff are dedicated to sharing God’s Unconditional love and grace with today’s youth of America. Our vision is to see them lead strong and victorious lives, while participating in a sport that they truly love. We both challenge and equip them with solid and practical principles from the eternal word of God. We are passionately driven by seeing firsthand, the transformation in their lives as we encourage them to fulfill their God given destinies.

Scott Mendes
Founder & Executive Director



To make a 2023 year end donation or to become a monthly ministry partner for 2024

(Please note your year-end tax-deductible donation must be made by 12-31-23 to qualify for 2023 receipt)

(Please use our secure PayPal link below)


Western Harvest Ministries is a registered US non-profit 501c(3) organization EIN # 45-0492675


2023 Year In Review 
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners of Western Harvest Ministries,
We pray that this letter finds you and your families safe and greatly blessed by our Heavenly Father. We are very excited to share with you some of the highlights of the ministry and its many outreaches from this past year. As always, we are so amazed and humbled by just how truly faithful our God is by his willingness to open so many unique doors of opportunities to share His gospel message with the entire world.
We are tremendously blessed that he has placed all of you who are reading this letter into the life of our ministry as faithful partners that have been called to experience the journey with us. In any journey, as you can imagine, there are always going to be ups and downs as you commit to advance forward in the mission. Our mission over the years has not changed but we, like you, have certainly watched our country and culture change so dramatically right in front of our eyes.
This change is not one that we as a so-called God-fearing nation should be proud of by any means, but it has, without a doubt, been one that provides all of God’s true believers the opportunity to shine as never before. The shine that I’m speaking of is the brightest of lights this world has ever seen and that is the Love of God through his son Jesus. Not only does that Love cover the sins of the world but it also illuminates a clear path on the journey that we are all called to travel.
No matter how dark this world might seem to become we have been given all the insight and tools needed to be victorious in the battle. A battle that is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. This battle has already been won by our Lord and Savior Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice, but now we must continue to enforce that divine victory until he returns for us His bride.
Scripture tells us that His bride must be that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. This scripture indicates that even through we are living in the signs of the times, we as his church certainly have much work left to do and the key is to always remember that apart from him we can do nothing and so we must never forget what our mission is and that he is the one that called us to it and if that’s the case, we also have to trust that he will provide everything needed to accomplish his plans for us.
Over the years Angel and I and our family have had to learn the importance of just how to Trust in the Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding; In all our ways we acknowledge Him, And He has directed our paths. And it has been an incredible journey watching Him perform His word over our lives and ministry. My prayers are that we have always been a good example to all that we have encountered over the years in our ministry and its outreaches, so that Jesus our Lord and Savior will be glorified in all things, and many will want to also align with Him in advancing His Kingdom here on earth.
Many of you know that over the years we have been truly passionate about what it means to Conquer the Beast and helping others to be set free by identifying the beast in their lives as well. Throughout 2023 we have had some incredible new platforms to share our ministry and its mission around the world.
Please read on to see just a few of those platforms and opportunities of how your faithful support and partnership enabled us to make a lasting impact for the gospel around the world…

Here is a short list of just a few ministry outreaches in 2023.
Church for the Lost and Found First Assembly in Dublin, Texas.
Round Pen Cowboy Church Men’s Conference in Terrell, Texas.
New sponsor appearance Fort Worth Stock show and Rodeo autograph appearance.
Testing of the Bulls Men’s Conference Bar None Cowboy Church in Tatum, Texas.

Sky Ranch Cowboys and Cowboys Gala in Dallas, Texas.
The American Rodeo in Arlington, Texas.
Men’s Bible Study in Southlake, Texas.
Cowboy Crossing Cowboy Church Sunday Service in Hugo, Oklahoma.

Cowboy Crossing Cowboy Church Youth Bull Riding Event in Hugo, Oklahoma.
Triple Cross Cowboy Church Interview in Granbury, Texas.

Spring and Fall Brandings, Bowie,  and Sunset, Texas.

Parker County Pro Rodeo, Parade, cattle drive, and Bulls night out Event and Live show productions.

Rodeo Kick Off Clip


Peacock Feed Clip


Cattle Drive Show


Bulls Night Out- Scott Co Host


Spanish Horses Parade


Luck’s Flooring local Sponsor Chip

Larry Mahan Celebration of Life in Fort Worth, TX

Co Host of the Heritage Series Pod Cast Show several episodes



Cowboys N Recovery Interview and Pod Cast show

Walt Garrison Celebration of Life in Fort Worth, TX
2023 Bull Riding Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.
PBR World Finals 30-year Founders Celebration.
Western Cross Cowboy Church Horse Play Day Event.
Center Point Church Men’s Luncheon in Hurst, Euless, Bedford, Texas.
Wingmen’s Bible Study in Dallas, TX
Texas Education Board Member Rally 2 x McKinney and Highland Park, Texas.
World Youth Bull Riding Finals in Abilene, Texas.

Spoke to the youth at Grace Christian Academy in Whitt, Texas.
Competed at the 2023 Bull Riders Only Team Roping Event in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
Riding on Course Weekly Bible Study produced over 50 live one-hour episodes on Facebook each week in 2023.

Scott represented Western Harvest Ministries on the front cover and in an article in The Weatherford Now Magazine.

Scott represented Western Harvest Ministries on the front cover and in an article in The Parker County Today Magazine.
Western Harvest Ministry Ranch continued Mentorship and discipleship and youth counseling efforts.
Life Stories Worldwide Interview – Global reach. (70 Million )

Navajo Nation State Fair and Rodeo -Conducted Cowboy Church in Window Rock, Arizona.
Keynote Speaker at an Outreach at The University of Texas A& M Fellowship of Christian Athletes Field of Faith Event in Kingsville, Texas.


Spoke at Local Boys and Girls Boxing Club.
Participated at the “See you at the Pole” Event in Kingsville, Texas.

World Mini Bull Youth Finals Mesquite ,TX (Scott speaks at 17:00 minutes in )

Represented and The FCA at 3 different public-school assemblies.
In Kingsville, Texas.
Did Radio interviews for the assemblies in Kingsville, Texas.
Ministered at Grace Fellowship Family Worship Center for their 3 services in Marble Hills, Missouri.



Represented the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Cowboy Chapter  at 1 high School Assemblies in Marble Hills, Missouri.
Connection Point Church meeting.
Las Vegas, Nevada Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.
Passed out over 4500 copies of “The Life of Christ” Booklets.
Introduced a discipleship Course Called, ‘Gods Plan for his disciples” to an online Australian men’s group.

As you can see 2023 was an impactful year but with your continued prayers and faithful financial support, 2024 will be even more productive as we are focused on doing whatever it takes to minister to all those that have needs that only the Lord himself can satisfy through his son and his word. One verse of scripture I would like to leave with you is Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” This reminds us that we all must be bold and courageous in our core beliefs and love for our heavenly Father even in the face of our advisory and his evil and deceptive plans that are manifesting throughout the world. That is why your partnership is so dear and valuable to us in our efforts to fulfill the Lords plans for our ministry.
We sincerely thank you for all of your past support and kindly ask you to prayerfully consider standing with us in the battle again in 2024 and beyond.

Ways you can make your donations:

Western Harvest Ministries is a registered US non-profit 501c(3) organization EIN # 45-0492675

Online Donation— You can make a donation online, using our secure server at:

By Telephone — To make a credit card donation, please call 817-995-9087

By Mail — To donate by check or money order, please write:
Western Harvest Ministries  6577 Old Springtown Road Weatherford, Texas 76085

Western Harvest Ministries Partnership Video Link:


Western Harvest Ministries Add Video Link:



Social Media Links :

To Review all of the Riding On Course Weekly Bible Study messages please click our YouTube channel link below


Riding On Course Bible App



Contact Info :

Western Harvest Ministries
6577 Old Springtown Road
Weatherford, TX 76085

Email: scottalanmendes@gmail.com
Web: http://www.westernharvestministries.com

Western Harvest Ministries is a registered US non-profit 501c(3) organization EIN # 45-0492675

Western Harvest Ministries is an organization dedicated to giving young people the tools needed to help them achieve their dreams for tomorrow. The ministry’s vision is to spread the Gospel of Jesus through the operation of:
• Scott’s Professional Bull Riding career • Rodeo Chaplaincy work through FCA Cowboy Chapter • Conquering the Beast Bull Riding Training Camps
• Christian Rodeo Programs • National Speaking Engagements • All types of media opportunities • Teaching products

These things are all designed to build character traits, self-esteem, and to give a foundation in the Word of God.

Sponsor Interviews

Globe Life Insurance

Franoglio Boots


Here are just a few sent in Testimonies about Western Harvest Ministries Outreaches:

Western Harvest Ministries CTB Pro Bull riding Training Camps -Gets International Exposure



What an AMAZING NIGHT for Fields of Faith. 400+ people in attendance and 100 gave their life to Christ to “Conquer the Beast” and tell it that you are God’s Child just as Scott Mendes said. I want to thank all the school districts for bringing your students to this event (Banquette, KISD, Bishop, SGA, Ricardo, Riviera) this event couldn’t have been a success if it wasn’t for the Tamuk FCA Volunteers and local churches that partnered with us this night (BT Church, Kingsway Church, FBC Bishop, ECC). I also want to thank KPD and KCSO for providing the hotdogs and water every time we have this event. Lastly thank you Scott Mendes for sharing his testimony and visiting and encouraging our local schools.



Recently I was able to play this movie for some youth where I work, a rehabilitation center for at-risk kids. As the movie started, the students were a little skeptical because of the nature of the movie and then again per the production.

As the movie progressed, they appeared to more involved in the story line than the production.

I took advantage of explaining the story line and connection to the Bible, but more importantly to real life.

As the movie completed, the students were able to learn more about their own life experience and get closer to their faith in God.
Thank you so much for providing this media opportunity. It was a great blessing. I truly appreciate all your efforts and hard work for the Kingdom.

Gratefulness brings a lifetime of joy. Blessings on you.

Mitch Cameron Bynum




Hello sir I just had it put on my heart to message you …I’m a youth pastor at Hubbard Cowboy Church in Hubbard, Tx & I’ve kept up with you some over the years and your ministries …I would love to invite you one Wednesday to be our guest & come speak to our youth if you’re ever interested.