9th Annual CTB Charity Golf Classic

Western Harvest Ministries Final Event Details and Sponsor Thank You Letter for

The 9th Annual Conquering the Beast Charity Golf Classic Outreach

It is with great honor and humble appreciation that Western Harvest Ministries and all its volunteers would like to thank you, our faithful sponsors and players. Your kind support enables us to continue building the ministry and all of its needed resources to reach the youth and their families in the western world and abroad. This year’s event was so much fun and it was great to watch everyone enjoy themselves with a round of golf and fellowship.

With this year’s 9th Annual event behind us, we can now begin to look forward to next year’s event which will be our 10th year Anniversary. Please mark your calendars now as we always play on the Columbus Day holiday weekend. We will do our very best in making it a special event and we are asking you to join us once again.
We are going to share more about the event below, but I wanted to briefly share with you what your vital support helps to enable us to do.

Western Harvest Ministry is an organization dedicated to giving young people the tools needed to help them achieve their dreams for tomorrow. The ministry’s vision is to spread the Gospel of Jesus through the operation of camps as well as presentations conducted in schools, churches and other public forums as a method of teaching young people good character traits, building their self-esteem, teaching them the word of God and providing a platform to motivate them in the building of skills training.

Event Winners
1st Place team …. TRG Construction Ranch
2nd Place Team …. TL Promotions Group
3rd Place Team …. Ware Foundation Repair

Special Speaker at Dinner/Awards Ceremony …..Link … https://youtu.be/GcyVcbjrPs4

Video Slide Show of the Event Prepared by…Jorden Mendes Photography …..Link – https://youtu.be/Ac3Mo-t2HBs

*If you or your company still need to pay for your sponsorship package, please visit our website (active links on homepage) – http://www.westernharvestministries.com/

*If mailing a check- Please remit to:

 *Western Harvest Ministries C/O of Conquering the Beast Charity Golf Classic

  6577 Old Springtown Road

  Weatherford, TX 76085

*Western Harvest Ministries… A registered U.S. Non-Profit 501 c(3) organization Tax ID # 45-0492675

*Was not able to attend but wants to make a one-time donation – 

One Time Donation by Secured PayPal Link

Below you will find links to all of our sponsors and the companies/products that were given to support our fundraiser. It is our desire to provide them with as much exposure as possible each and every year. We will recirculate this letter back through all 5 local Chambers of Commerce and social media platforms. We ask that you consider partnering with them in good faith knowing that they have been a true blessing in supporting us in the community.

2019  Golf Participating Sponsors and Player’s Company info….

Wrangler … https://www.wrangler.com/

Ware Foundation Repair … https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wares-Foundation-Repair/1686463521565751

Twisted X Boots … https://twistedx.com/

TRG Construction Ranch … https://www.facebook.com/TRGCONSTRUCT/

Tractor Supply … Springtown, TX… https://www.tractorsupply.com/

TL Promotions … https://www.classictlcaps.com/

Sky Ball Banquet  … https://skyballinfo.com/

Rocking J Electric … https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-whitaker-089aa061/

Resistol Hats … https://resistol.com

Ranch Advantage … http://www.ranchadvantage.com/Ranch_Advantage/Home.html

The Power Team … http://www.thepowerteam.com/

Pinnacle Bank … https://www.pinnbank.com/

Oil Field Christian Fellowship … https://oilfieldchristianfellowship.com/PageDisplay.asp?p1=453

Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship in America … https://fgbmfamerica.org/

New Hope Energy … https://newhopeenergy.com/

Life Priority … https://www.lifepriority.com/

Kosel Ac & Heating … https://koselairconditioning.com/

Weatherford Truck Equipment … https://www.weatherfordtruck.com/

GTRM … https://www.grtminc.com/

Cowboys helping Cowboys … https://www.cowboyshelpingcowboys.com/

Comet Cleaners … https://www.cometcleaners.com/

The Winning Run Foundation …  https://winrun.org/

Clay Pitts Water Wells … https://www.facebook.com/pages/Clay-Pitts-Water-Wells/160177810672837

Christian Brothers Auto … https://www.cbac.com/

Chick Fila .. West 7th at Montgomery Plaza … https://whodatchick.com/

Capernaum Village … https://www.capernaumvillage.com/

BenchMark Buckles … https://www.benchmarkbuckles.com/

Bear Creek Ranch …  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bear-Creek-Ranch/569007816506072

Bakers Ribs … http://bakersribs.com/

All Cowboy and Arena Champions Hall of Fame … http://www.cowboyandarenachampions.com/

Western Harvest Ministries …http://www.westernharvestministries.com/

Western Harvest Media …http://westernharvestmedia.com/

Rodeo Judge Mobile App …http://rodeojudge.com/wordpress/

Riding on Course Mobile Bible APP …  http://ridingoncourse.com/

Rainbow International … https://rainbowintl.com/weatherford?utm_source=gmb&utm_campaign=local&utm_medium=organic

We truly appreciate and value each and every one of you and pray for you and yours to have a wonderful upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas Season.

Many Blessings,

Scott Mendes and all of us at Western Harvest Ministries